01 June 2020

Online Proctor exams & Microsoft 365 Fundamentals

At the workplace when in the future the company upgrade to Microsoft 365 (used to called Office 365), even other companies already got Microsoft 365, especially the company bureau we run (not naming the company one this blog) also have Office 365. My line manager and I decide to learn more about Microsoft 365. Since I am certified on MCSA Office 365 which means I have the knowledge and experience in Office 365.
However throughout the years the Office 365 has changed a lot, even 3rd party MSP (Management Service Provider) will also tell you that it changes a lot with features, hence the reason the name changed from Office 365 to Microsoft 365.

I learned a lot from Microsoft 365 since I got Office 365 myself.
The book I used is the Microsoft 365 Fundamentals Exam reference guide as there are no office study guide at the time as of this date of the blog and use Microsoft learn to know the more about how Microsoft 365 works as when it comes to cloud, there are more and new features since the Office 365 days.

Because of the Covid-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) pandemic all training centres are close during the pandemic. So I decide to try out OnVue Online Proctor which Pearson VUE uses.
I could of easily book the exam in my home but because I got a lot stuff in my bedroom, I decide to book it at my workplace as this is due to Online Proctor policy.

I use the small meeting room at my workplace and clear the area and set up the PC. I use the Kiosk PC. In the workplace I have to use the Guest network as Online Proctor do not allow connect to Corporate Network due to VPN, Security and Firewall which is required not to use for the exam. Also do not forget not recommend Wireless network and must have Webcam in place.

The Online Proctor Process:
Wen you log in to you Microsoft Account, you have to go to the scheduled exam and when you sign in, you have to download the OnVue software for remote login for the examiner with the access code.
Then you will be ask to use your mobile phone and will provide you a link to go to on your personal mobile, then one you go to the web link.
On the web link, 1st it will ask you for a selfie picture. 2nd, it will ask you to take a photo of your ID, either your passport or Drivers license. Once verified, you will ask to take 4 pictures of each side of your desk (front, back, left and right).
You can try again and make sure each pictures are high quality and not blur as the proctor will not accept it and you got to take it again.

After you complete the photos and all verified, you go back to the PC and refresh.
Finally you tick agreement before you start, this is where you wait for the Proctor to talk to you (this takes minutes) and once it all clear, you can start the exam.

I have done this exam twice as the 1st time I fail as I was close and this time I pass with a huge score as a comeback.

My experience as doing Online Proctor it is a different environment from the training centre and I enjoyed it.

My advice to anyone who taking exam in the workplace make sure you print a Test Exam signs on the door (Exam in progress, Do not disturb, please be quiet, etc) so no one can knock at the door or come in or else the exam gets cancelled - This this Proctor rules or you can try during booking 'Out of Office' hours if the managers allow you to.
Also make sure if you have to set up the PC, do this in 1 hour before the exam as you still have to do the ID check in process before the exam.

I will you all well if you are thinking about Online Proctor.

More information about Online Proctor:

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