30 September 2019

Microsoft Office Specialist 2019 - Part 3: PowerPoint Associate

After few attempts to do the exam. Not fail attempts but this was because the exam has crashed weeks ago as this was released.

This exam was as usual easy to manoeuvre because of my usual skills transfer from 2013 and 2016.

This exam include 3D picture. if you are used to PowerPoint exam from the past, this is no different from the 2016 version.

After I pass this exam. I have been awarded as the Microsoft Office Specialist - Associate.

Exam required:
MO-300: Microsoft PowerPoint (PowerPoint and PowerPoint 2019)

16 September 2019

Install Microsoft Office 365 (2019 version) on Windows 7

Since Microsoft saying that Microsoft Office 2019 only supports Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019 only. Some companies try to avoid upgrading to Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019 to save money. But do not realise that they will not get Office 2019 as this does not meet the IT Business requirement to do so.

However what if someone can use Office 365 instead and use Windows 7. So I done a test on Windows 7 and it works as I use the subscription based Office 365 subscription instead of Office 2019 standalone product.

I done a video as of September 2019 because the Office 365 goes by the current version of the office license.

Example if you have Office 365 subscription at 2014 then you get the Office 2013 version, same as if you got subscription at 2017 then you get the 2016 version and as of 2019 you get the current 2019 version.

Mind you that Windows 7 retires on January 2020 so you might as well as getting Windows 8 or 8.1.