05 July 2019

Microsoft Office Specialist 2016 - Part 4: Excel 2016 Double

What a Excel Double it is, from the Walk in the park dead simple to the hard as 'God Mode' it is.

1st - Excel Core 2016 (77-727):
This was easy as I learn expert formulas from Excel Expert 2013 with an outstanding score.
It was matter of mastering formulas, charts and formats. I learn to adapt to SUMs, average and VLOOKUPs.
Did some practice to refresh my skills from the previous version which gave me more skill set for Excel.

2nd - Excel Expert 2016 (77-728):
Unlike the easy core skills, the Expert is one pain of the bane!
I have to learn about Cube which is completely new to me. This one took me alot of learning.
I even have to learn about the 'GetPivotData' formula which I manage to get the hang of. The condition formula which is the bane of all as you have to do the nest condition with the AND and OR function.
I had some issues with the exam which causes delay in rescheduling but after few attempts I finally passed.
On the test day before I passed I though I did not do well as there were more inconsistent formulas which I attempt to do and when the time run out I thought to myself, "there always be next time" and I thought I failed because of this.
But when when I got to the score results, I was shocked that I have passed the exam. Maybe because I did the formula correctly and require more correct answers to score enough to pass.
I am very happy that I have passed but Excel Expert will always be hard ones because of new advanced formulas to learn.

The only thing remaining is Microsoft Word, complete the double and I not just get the Master Certification but also the Grand Slam Champion.

Exams required:
77-727: MOS - Microsoft Office Excel 2016 (Core Data Analysis, Manipulation, and Presentation)
77-728: MOS - Microsoft Office Excel 2016 Expert (Interpreting Data for Insights)

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