03 November 2016

IT Solutions & why I do not use the term 'Solutions' on my work

I made a video and speaking my mind about the term 'IT Solutions' and why I do not use the term Solution on my platform and work.

I could of add more and there were more to add but I got most off my chest whilst I was doing this video.

The problem with the term is customers and end-users love the 'Solution' as a buzz-word but do not understand that the Solution is a 2-way street.
In most cases whilst people love to hear the solutions and 'ask what is the solution?' But unfortunately they do not want solutions because you have to look at the cause of the problem and admit it is a problem and when it comes to solution to the problem, the solution requires compromise.

When I say compromise it means it takes team work, time, money and investment to do so.
This is where I include the Horse & the water scenario. If anyone heard of the scenario it goes like this: "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink".
This is another term for saying "You can provide them with solution, but you can't force them to act upon the solution".

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